AmDis - Design and Implementation of an Automated Ambulance Dispatch System

AmDis - Design and Implementation of an Automated Ambulance Dispatch System

AmDis - Design and Implementation of an Automated Ambulance Dispatch System - CodeMint Mint for Sale
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AmDis - a Java based desktop application; Design of an automated ambulance dispatch system. This application is able to organize and keep records of ambulance vehicles including the drivers. Drivers' information, which includes his/her ID, first, middle and last name, the route the driver will take and the time he/she leaves is recorded in this system.

AmDis also records all necessary information about each ambulance vehicle for inventory and report generation purposes.

You can use AmDis to generated very detailed dispatch reports in Portable Document Format (PDF) files.

it comes along with an authentication page to allow only registered administrators to use this system, therefore making the information in the system true and valid.

AmDis is built for simplicity and efficiency but does not give much concern to correctness and through exception handling, it compiled using JDK 7.0 and executed in running time using JRE 7.0.

AmDis is a perfect fit for organizations, businesses, and corporations that are concerned with ambulance procurement, management, and dispatch services. If you buy this mint (i.e source code) now, you will get lifetime mint updates for free.

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