Library Management System with Barcode

Library Management System with Barcode

Library Management System with Barcode - CodeMint Mint for Sale
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Today, I have here a Library Management System with Barcode for Valladolid National High School. This simple yet a useful system that I create using PHP/MySQL with a barcode scanner for the borrowing books. This system I created may help you with your future projects. Also, for the beginners who really want to learn basic coding in PHP/MySQL. It is a user-friendly kind of this system.

Admin Login

Username: admin
Password: admin

This System Contains:

  1. Member’s record management
  2. Books record management
  3. Admin record management
  4. Filtering book record
  5. Searching of book in table
  6. Borrowing and Returning books function
  7. Dynamic settings (Number of allowed books to borrow, Penalty, and Allowable days)
  8. Using Barcode Scanner to borrowing books
  9. Scan ID Number of members using Barcode Scanner
  10. Print Members Barcode
  11. Print List of Members
  12. Print Books Barcode
  13. Print List of Books
  14. Borrowed Books Monitoring
  15. Returned Books Monitoring
  16. Penalty Information
  17. Search report using date from and date to
  18. Generate Reports
Hope this simple system will help you on your projects.
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