Query Tracking System

Query Tracking System

Query Tracking System - CodeMint Mint for Sale
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his project is mainly used to track the queries of the customers in the organization and resolve the queries. This Project also sends the services to the customer to find out the customer satisfaction and employee performance. The system has a major problem in finding the product support and service activities that are undertaken by the employees. Once the products have installed at the client’s site, the cycle of warranty maintenance starts. To keep the customers in a proper chain of satisfaction the system needs the data to be organized in a proper relational way. The project is to maintain the relational communication among the project is to maintain this relational communication among the data, such that consistency, reliability, and integrity can be achieved. The major technicality within the system lies in managing the coordination among the sales and service departments, which is the major hold upon the system to gain or achieve profits. If you buy this mint (i.e source code) now, you will get lifetime mint updates for free.

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